Tuesday, 5 June 2007

"Yiddishe Mamas" : The Truth About the Jewish Mother by Marnie Winston-Macauley

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPublished by Andrews McMeel Publishing

Marnie Winston-Macauley holds nothing back as she delves into every aspect of the Jewish Mother. Finally a book that shows real mothers in real situations which are sometimes heartwarming, sometimes heartbreaking but always, always truly inspiring.

Jewish Mothers have always been a comical subject. No matter what your ethnic background, you will have experienced it in some form, even in sitcoms it's a popular choice for getting the laughs. While this book does have a great amount of hilarity in it also, the reader is treated to an insightful and refreshing look at many incredible women.

The book has clearly been brilliantly researched and while I had expected the humour and stereotypes that are found within the pages, I hadn't expected the latter chapters to deal with the inquisition and the holocaust - which I was positively thrilled with. Other favourite sections of this book for me, were The Jewish Mother Experience and Experienced: A Bissel of Information, Commentary, Debate, Anecdotes and Humour which covers so much from Yiddish and Yinglish, to Nakhes (pride), Bubbes (Grandmas) and more, and Yes, They, Too, Are Jewish Mothers which covers many Jewish Mothers who achieved so much in their lives. Some accounts that I especially loved were from the Pioneer and Colonial times.

You don't have to be Jewish to enjoy this book and I can't imagine anyone reading this and regretting it. It's a perfect mix of personal anecdotes and historical fact, blended with humour, wit, and passion. I also like that just when I reached the end of the book - which I couldn't put down - and thought I couldn't possibly find anything more to love about it, I found The Aleph-baiz of Jewish Mother Humor, Selected Biographies and Selected Bibliographies, all of which are wonderful resources. This is a fantastic book that will never let you see Jewish Mothers the same way again. As for me personally, I found myself wishing I had a Yiddishe Mama of my very own.

Author's website: http://www.ask-sadie.com/

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