Monday, 18 August 2008

The White Guy: A Field Guide by Stephen Hunt

whiteguy.jpgPublished by Douglas & McIntyre

When I first started reading this book, I really wanted to like it. Half way through the book, that goal changed to just wanting to be able to finish it in it's entirety. This is probably the shortest review I have ever done but I like to focus on the positive aspects of the books I read. With this title I could find no positives unless you count the fact that Moby Dick is no longer the worst book I have ever read.

I will simply say that the cover states that this book is 'funny as hell'. The hell part of the statement I will agree with, the humour must have slipped right by me. I found this book irritating, and offensive (note: I am almost impossible to offend).

I also found myself wondering about much of the content. It seems to have nothing to do with the subject of 'The White Guy: A Field Guide' and more to do with how the white guy is responsible for everything that has ever gone wrong with the world. I also noted certain facts that were thrown in without being checked out. Such as on TV for example, every CSI guy is white. Oh? Gary Dourdan, Adam Rodriguez, & Archie Kao must find that fact quite surprising. I find it amusing that the author throws in a comment about Michael Moore and how he 'fits facts to fit the story he is telling' and yet the author himself does exactly that. It was just yet another thing I hated about the whole experience.

I would suggest bypassing this book and reading something else but as always, everyone has different tastes and opinions. Take a look at his website and decide for yourself.

Author's website: >


Jeane said...

IT sounds pretty terrible. I wonder what the author was trying to prove. He's not white himself, is he?

Charlene Martel said...

It truly was bad. In my opinion at least and yes, the author is white so I can understand that it was all meant as fun. White guy poking fun at himself and all but it honestly didn't come across that way. To me, it doesn't matter whether the author is white or not.. stereotyping a race isn't all that entertaining and belonging to the race you are stereotyping doesn't make it any more acceptable. That's just my thought though.

I think it was just a book that aimed for humour and missed.